Beaching like a Baller


This week I’ve been thinking about how fast this summer is going by. I have definitely been savoring the relatively mild weather this summer and this has been one of the most memorable summers for me. There is something special about fall though with its picturesque trees, cool breezes, and of course Thanksgiving. unnamed-3I’m getting way ahead of myself though! We are definitely still in summer and I hope that some of my readers can revel in it by getting away to the beach, pool, lake, or watering hole one last time before it passes us by. Today’s post is all about looking good when that moment happens, so lets get started!


  1. Michael Kors – size small
  2. Zara size med
  3. Zara size med
  4. Triangl size XS
  5. Triangl size med
  6. Zara coverup
  7. Victoria’s Secret 6B
  8. Zara size small (same swimsuit I’m wearing in a different color)
  9. Asks size 4

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